Thursday, November 26, 2009

Left 4 Dead review

I didn't buy Left 4 Dead until a couple of weeks before the release of Left 4 Dead 2, when you could get the package with both for about 65 bucks, so I played about 30 hours of it and that's it but I still got over half the achievements and completed all the campaigns, so I can at least say something about the game. When I bought Left 4 Dead, I wasn't expecting it to be as good and fun as it really was, I figured all you ever do is shoot zombies, that's gotta get annoying after a while (and it did, but I got my moneys' worth so I'm happy).

Left 4 Dead has several different game play modes, first of all Single Player which is the worst of all of them because your only friends are three computer players who don't know how to play worth crap. You can play Easy, Normal, Advanced or Expert difficulties and single player is only worth playing on easy to get an idea of how the map is, so that when you are playing multiplayer you don't suck so bad. If you can beat single player on advanced or expert difficulty, you either have no life, you are cheating, or you are extremely good at FPS games (which implies that you have no life)

The next mode to look at is Campaign. It is almost like single-player, but it's co-operative online, so instead of having three computers for friends, you can play with anyone online. I would start out playing expert though or you'll find yourself getting vote-kicked an awful lot. Campaign is where most of the achievements are it seems, and it's also the place where you'll probably make the most friends :)

Survival mode is kind of fun, but it's also a little lame. All you do is try to stay alive in hot spots as long as possible, and defend from attacking zombies. If one person out of your 4-man team screws up, it can ruin it for everyone which means it may be hard to find a nice team. At first it seemed like I was always the person messing everything up, but I've gotten better.

Versus mode: my most-hated mode and most peoples favorite mode! I am not much of a multi-player versus mode in any game. If you don't play 24/7, you usually suck, and if you suck it's not fun, especially when it takes a long time to be as good as everyone else!

Anyways, I think this is a really really great game, but if you are thinking about buying it: get Left 4 Dead 2 instead. You won't miss anything.

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