Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Windows 7: Syncing files between networked computers

Do you have two computers? Okay, if you do, have you ever created a file on one computer then moved it over to the other computer to edit it? Then when you were emailing the completed file, you forgot to copy the file back to your main computer, so you emailed a blank file on accident! I did the same thing once, I didn't exactly turn in a blank file, but I turned in the wrong version, so I had an incomplete project. When I got my grade back on this (it was a computer science project) luckily I wasn't missing a whole lot so I got an 83/100 but it was horrible!

Well the good new is, if you ever find yourself in the same position, and you have Windows 7, I have found a solution for you. My first attempt at a solution was to just use a USB Key, and yes that does work perfectly well but if you are like me, and you use two computers at the same time, then you have a problem because all of your files are on one USB Key so you would need two copies of each file. So I decided I would stick my USB key into my desktop machine, then just share it over the network and map it on my laptop. This also works perfectly well until you run into the next problem: what if you aren't connected to the same network as your desktop and you left your USB key at home? Yes I do realize that I'm either very stupid or a complete nerd at this point with all the problems I've run into, but I'm one of those people that can't live without whatever conveniences are available.

My final solution comes down to this, and I had no idea this was a feature of Windows 7, but if you go to Control Panel, then click the little arrow next to Control Panel in the address bar, the first option should be All Control Panel Items. If you scroll down a little bit you'll find Sync Center. With this you can set up network drives to sync automatically so they can be available offline. Now, if you have two computers, one is running Windows 7, you accidentally leave your USB key at home in your desktop while you are taking your laptop to school, and you need to work on a project you left on your USB key, you can do so without trouble! Hopefully this will benefit more than just me.

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